Jay Hood, PLA, ASLA
Jay Hood, PLA, ASLA
Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, and a graduate of Purdue University, Jay leads Catalyst’s Florida Landscape Architecture practice (alongside Bruce Hall). What was intended to be a one-year internship in Florida turned into a complete relocation and jumpstart to his career. During his one-year internship, Jay discovered Lake Okeechobee and the opportunities it presented for bass fishing. He and his high school sweetheart, now married 35 years, decided to stay in Florida where they enjoy boating, kayaking and fishing (however, Jay still hasn’t been bass fishing in Lake Okeechobee!). Jay has worked on a broad spectrum of projects ranging in scope from regional master plans to design details, including a 15-year project in Lakeland, Florida where he was involved in the initial master plan through implementation of a number of subsequent projects/civic spaces.
People might be surprised to learn:
Jay is a music man! He played the Sousaphone (brass instrument) in the Purdue All American Marching Band, and currently sings in the Central Florida Community Arts Choir.